How Systems Can Make You Money

Do you want to make money while you sleep? Make your business perform for you. I recently attended IGNITE, an event to inspire women in business to achieve their vision. There were many great speakers, such as Loral Langemeier, Laura Doyle, Abi Griffiths, Katharine Dever and Bernedette Doyle. A common theme throughout all the presentations was to make sure your business performs for you at all times of the day. To do this you need…

Get organised and save time!

Do you want to get organised and save time? Does this look/feel familiar? Every week I come across more and more businesses that are drowning in business information, paperwork, business cards, leads and task lists, to name just a few of the things that are piling up. Most businesses want to increase their turnover and save time. With their business data all over the place, this seems like an impossible task. Have you thought about…

It’s magic… business cards turn into cash!

Have you ever wondered why you’ve got a huge pile of business cards on your desk, in your drawer or in folders but you don’t have enough sales?  You’re not the only one – it’s seems to be standard amongst most micro business owners. We are all so busy networking and working in our businesses that we just end up adding to the pile every day. Most of us are out networking and meeting new…